Personal investment company
DCM Capital Limited
Sami Miettinen principally invests through his investment company DCM Capital Limited. The investment policy prioritizes low cost index funds, as per financial theory, but the portfolio also includes investments in listed and unlisted growth companies, real estate and private equity funds.
LEI identifier is 2549000ICXTAQTYR0Q86
and the corporate identity number 2183498-7
Sami Miettinen
INVESTMENT BANKER AND NEGOTIATOR Sami lived 13 years in London, and moved back to Helsinki during the financial crisis. He has worked in both international and domestic investment banks and Finnish corporate finance boutiques. In addition, Sami founded the Norwegian bond trustee model in Finland. He helped to establish the national legislation for bond and security trustees.
Sami has authored books on negotiations (Uusi neuvoteluvalta, Neuvotteluvalta), financial markets (Euron tulevaisuus - Suomen vaihtoehdot) and on the application of economics to Finnish cost competiviness (Talouspoliittinen manifesti - Miten Suomi voidaan pelastaa).
He is a popular commentator and presenter in negotiations, financial markets and in technological disruption topics.

Current events
Books, Publications & Public appearances
Over 30,000 non-fiction books in circulation whose author or co-author Sami has focused on negotiations, economics and technological change.
Sami is a regular keynote speaker and panel member as an expert in e.g. financial markets, negotiatiations and improvements to the society. His views are regularly quoted in Kauppalehti, Arvopaperi, YLE, Helsingin Sanomat and numerous other publications. He is also a popular guest in other tube chanels and podcasts.